
Holiday Giveway

UPDATE: We have a winner!

Do you know a high school or college student who could use some freebies? I have 11 CF cards (from 4GB to 16GB), a SanDisk CF card reader, and a Think Tank Pixel Pocket Rocket card wallet that I'd like to give them. All the gear has been used, but well taken care of. I simply don't need them anymore and I'd like to share them with someone who needs them. What's the catch? There isn't one.

The rules are simple: 1) Nominate a student who could use these by midnight EST on Tuesday, 10 December 2013. (Sorry, you can't nominate yourself.) 2) Simply comment on this post and include the student's name, school, and a couple of sentences about why you feel he or she should get these. 3) I'll announce the winner here and via social media on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 by noon EST.



Sarah Hoskins Postcard Set Giveaway

sarahhoskins-proofsandpostcards CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER – MELISSA LYTTLE!

UPDATE: Due to flu and holiday travel, I'm extending the deadline until Sunday, 6 January 2013, at 11:59 p.m. EST. The winner will be announced Monday morning, 7 January 2013.

I'm thrilled to announce your chance to win a set of Sarah Hoskins postcards. Sarah will select five photographs from her "The Homeplace" series and Master Printer Chuck Kelton of Kelton Labs in New York City will make gelatin silver prints on Kodak F2 Kodabromide paper.

To enter the drawing, visit Sarah Hoskins' website and go to "The Homeplace." Browse the photographs, find your favorite image, and copy the caption. Paste the caption, along with a description of why it’s your favorite from this series, in the comments section of this page. That’s it! One person will be randomly selected from the submissions to receive the set of postcards. The deadline for the giveaway is Monday, 31 December 2012, at 11:59 p.m. EST. The winner will be announced New Year's morning, 1 January 2013.

Good luck and thanks for sharing!